1. Cook a simple and healthy dish - It may even be as simple as a smoothie but trust me, the satisfaction that comes from it – priceless.
Check out http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/food for inspiration. Just browsing through this chirpy website will make you a lot happier. (Try cooking for some friends to double/triple the joy)
2. Blog – Trust me, no one knows what advice you need better than yourself. Besides, if you really need to complain, this is a very good avenue. It is absolutely judgement-free and it gives you 100% of its attention 24/7.
You can complain for as long as you want and guess what, when you return to the start of the entry to read your own complains, you can see very plainly how irrational some of your concerns are. Either way, it is a good way to trash out your thoughts inconsequentially. Just make sure you don’t publish that post.
3. Buy flowers for yourself – Trust me, something in the genetic structure of women make us genetically predisposed to liking flowers. Just a simple stalk can brighten up your day. To double the joy, when purchasing the flower for yourself, buy another stalk for a friend or colleague. It works wonders.
4. Clean up your room – First, split the room into small manageable bits (eg. Study table, dressing table, wardrobe). Focus on one bit at a time. Get a gigantic trash bag and ask yourself this question – “Will I miss this when its gone?” If the answer is no, trash it. Of course, for the things that are still usable, you may want to consider giving them away.
You may work on a few bits a day but at the end of a week, you will find your living space a lot less cluttered. (Trust me, just sacrifice 15 minutes of that facebook time to clear your room, you will feel the difference)
5. Make someone else’s day – Proven fact, that nothing comes close to the satisfaction derived from helping someone. Anyone. It can be as simple as buying three packets of tissue from the lady on a wheelchair (when you have no need for tissue paper), all the way to helping your parents with the housework or purchasing gifts for your friends and family. DO THIS and you’ll cheer yourself + someone else up. Joy to the world.
6. Try something new – Make it a point to eat something different everyday. It may not have to be something exotic and completely different from your usual preference. You may still eat at the same place but please just try ordering something different. There are people (points to myself) who can settle for eating the same dish at the same restaurant for years. Remember that variety is one of the keys to having a good diet.
Of course, trying ‘something new’ does not cover only the narrow sphere of eating. You can also trying wearing something new – Never worn skirts/boots/heels/makeup before? Perhaps you could try it today. Never tried taking this particular bus home before? Try it. Never bought this brand of perfume before? Try it. Never shopped at this mall before? Try it. Self-banned horror movies from your life? Try it again. Never tried clubbing? Try it (just make sure you go with trustworthy people). Never tried speaking to that cute guy/girl at the bus stop? Try it.
You will find that you do not have to make many changes to reap so much more from your daily life. It is man who subjects himself to routine that ends up reaping the same harvests over and over again, subjecting himself to suffocating monotony. You don’t have to live like that. Try something new.
7. READ THE BIBLE - You will find that the bible can really provide everything you need in life.
If you need a role model, there’s no better role model than Jesus (Mark, Matthew, Luke and John).
If you are in need of human wisdom, there’s proverbs.
If you are in need of sympathy there’s David’s Psalms.
If you are in need of love and encouragement, there are the stories of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, not mentioning the beautiful stories of Ruth, Daniel, David, Joseph).
If you are facing some trials in your life, there’s Psalms and letters of Paul (eg.Galatians, Corinthians, James).
Just a small verse is sufficient for you to feed on and to meditate on for an entire day. The beautiful part about the human mind is that it can only focus on one thing at a time. If you are so preoccupied meditating on the word of God, all your problems, pain and complains will just fade away.
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